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Seniors enjoying life on a hiking trip


to Basic Senior Fitness

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my name is John.

I like to experiment with different training & nutrition strategies to improve life quality. 


My workout journey started when I was 16 but I never really took it serious until I started getting some problems in my neck and back in my early 20's. At that time I felt like I aged 20 years in two.


Because of that I started with different techniques and diets to find out what gives me my quality of life back. 

Along the way I did certifications as a fitness trainer and nutrition coach. 


What I found out is that simplicity is key and health is a privilege that we have to earn.


My goal for this blog is to share workout plans, insights into nutrition and training strategies that worked for me.


Best regards






Mountain nature river

About the Blog



Workout plans aimed to regain mobility, quality of life and pain free independent living


Quality of Life

In my opinion nutrition is very individual but there are basic concepts which improve longevity and more importantly improve our quality of life. 

Mountain view

Easy-to-follow Guides

To round it all up I will show you simple tips & tricks to implement in your life. 

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